Work of Heart – Philippines 2016


 It is an honor to have been chosen (from over 3000 applicants) as one of 30 participants for the Liddle Kidz Foundation 2016 pediatric massage outreach trip to the Philippines!

Why the Philippines? 

I have worked with children and adults with different health care needs for many years, exploring the benefits and impact of nurturing touch on whole family wellness. This work became a life long passion when my son, Kai, was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor at 8 months old. Kai received massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic care and nutritional support to help ease the symptoms of his chemotherapy treatment.  The philosophy of integrative medicine helped us to focus on his overall quality of life, giving us healthful time and memories I will cherish forever.

In November 2012 Kai lost his life to disease progression and I knew I would spend the rest of my life working to help other children and families like ours, in his honor. Two months later I began my massage training.  A year later, Immediately after graduating I took my first class in pediatric massage therapy with the Liddle Kids Foundation.  This course was so much more than a class and certificate for me.

I flew out to California where I met up with  Tina Allen and two of my my favorite mommas,  Beecher  Lucy’s mom  &  Audra Max’s mom .  Four women connected by cancer, activism and a common desire for helping to make things better – together.  Bonded by our kids, our drive and the power of nurturing touch.

I clearly remember the warm California night, my voice  tired and horse night after sleepless night planning, scheming,  working together for a greater purpose.  For the first time in a long time I was energized.  For the first time in a long time I felt alive – life of Kai.

After the longest year of my life – the death of Kai, divorce, school – Kai had brought me to exactly the right place, surrounding me with the exact people I needed to keep me going. Becoming a pediatric massage therapist helped me rebuild and repurpose the loss of Kai into an outlet to help others. What a gift he gives me everyday.

Almost three years later I now work exclusively in pediatric palliative care, both as a massage therapist and advocate. Every day I see the benefits of providing and teaching nurturing touch to families of children with serious illness and I am looking forward to bringing this passion overseas to serve the children and families of the Philippines.

I believe so much in this work that we do and I hope you do too!

This is a work of heart which will not be possible without your help! My goal of $5000, to honor what would have been Kai’s 5th Birthday – September 5, 2015 – will help me bring nurturing touch to children and their caregivers in over 5 cities in the Philippines over 20 days.  

To support this effort please consider making a tax deductible donation [HERE]



I made the FRONT PAGE!  Check out this article written about my work, this trip and Kai.

The Healing Touch | Grafton Woman Caters to Very Sick


If you would like a closer look into what this project is all about please watch this short documentary from the Liddle Kidz Foundation 2010 Global Outreach trip to Vietnam.

Liddle Kidz Foundation – Vietnam


Thank you for taking the time to learn about our cause and please share my page with others you know who support strengthening child and family wellness across underserved populations.

Thank you! Salamat!



Children, families and healthcare staff will receive a sustainable program provided by the Liddle Kidz Foundation! Professionals volunteers will travel to the Philippines to provide hands-on pediatric massage & nurturing touch for infants and children, some of which have special healthcare needs. Teach caregivers and staff to continue providing such care after we return home. This work will involve using hands-on techniques, playing games and massage stories, as well as, sharing translated curriculum and materials provided by the renowned leader in pediatric healthcare education, the Liddle Kidz Foundation.